Corporate Campaign
Our Mission: To impact the lives of young people by providing educational programs that build character, instill life-enhancing values and promote healthy choices through the game of golf.
With your help, we’re able to offer experiences that build character and stick with our participants well into adulthood. Golf is known as a sport you can play for life. And it’s our belief that the skills and values that kids learn from golf and First Tee will help them achieve their full potential. Consider partnering with us through a Corporate Sponsorship to support the Flint and Great Lakes Bay Regions.

Ace Sponsorship – $5,000
Limited to one company every year!
Logo on First Tee Eastern Michigan Website/Partner’s Page for 1 year.
Logo on First Tee Eastern Michigan Life Skills brochure for 1 year.
Logo on First Tee Eastern Michigan banner showcased at IMA Brookwood Golf Club for 1 year.
Exclusive! 2 First Tee Sponsor Signs on Tee Boxes for 1 year. Approx. 30,000 rounds played per year.
TITLE Sponsorship of First Tee Golf Outing. Includes logoed tee gift for each participant. Outing held annually in June at IMA Brookwood Golf Club or Currie Golf Course. Includes 2 foursomes & 2 tee signs.
8 Scholarships for First Tee Summer Life Skills Program for students in need of financial assistance.
2 Corporate Spotlight articles in First Tee Eastern Michigan’s NEW quarterly digital newsletter.
Signage with company logo at First Tee Junior Celebration Tournaments held in August.

Eagle Sponsorship – $2,500
Logo on First Tee Eastern Michigan Website/Partner’s Page for 1 year.
Logo on First Tee Eastern Michigan banner showcased at IMA Brookwood Golf Club for 1 year.
Choice of Sponsorship (Cart, Awards, Bev Cart or Driving Range) on first come basis at First Tee Golf Outing held annually at IMA Brookwood Golf Club (June) or Currie Golf Course (September). Includes 1 foursome & 1 tee sign.
4 Scholarships for First Tee Summer Life Skills Program for students in need of financial assistance.
1 Corporate Spotlight articles in First Tee Eastern Michigan’s NEW quarterly digital newsletter.
Signage with company logo at First Tee Junior Celebration Tournaments held in August.

Birdie Sponsorship – $1,250
Logo on First Tee Eastern Michigan Website/Partner’s Page for 1 year.
1 Foursome + 1 Tee Sign at the First Tee Golf Outing held annually at IMA Brookwood Golf Club (June) or Currie Golf Course (September).
2 Scholarships for First Tee Summer Life Skills Program for students in need of financial assistance.
Signage with company logo at First Tee Junior Celebration Tournaments held in August.
Click here to download the Genesee/Lapeer Corporate Campaign Brochure.
Click here to download the Great Lakes Bay Region Corporate Campaign Brochure.